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2022       Book cover design - One Star by Day, Six Thousand by Night by Rodney Somerville

2019        45 Downstairs, Melbourne - make sets for 2 productions - "Love" & "Shit"

2012-19  National Parks and Wildlife Service, Blue Mountains - design and layout of                                         14 "Bushtracker" maps

2017        Powerhouse Museum, Sydney - Design and make Cosmonaut costumes.

                  Layout/book design - Shallow Thought, Deep Mind by Wayne Somerville

2016        45 Downstairs, Melbourne - make sets for 2 productions - Taxithi and Shit

2015        Seahorse head costume for a rum commercial in competition at Cannes Film                                     Festival

2014        Blue Mountains City Council - Design of roundabout.   

2013        Opera Australia - model making for The Turk in Italy - Gabriela Tylesove

2011         Blue Mountains Home Modification & Maintenance Service - design/layout                                       Safe & Sustainable Gardening  book for 7 botanical divisions of NSW    

2010        Powerhouse Museum, Sydney - Design and make Pacman  & Ghost and                                             Tinytoreum costumes

2009       Reserve Bank of Australia - Hidden Histories display - convict cell door

                  Powerhouse Museum, Sydney - Design and make Zoe costumes

2008       Powerhouse Museum, Sydney - Design and make space & alien costumes;  3                                    murals for Space children’s program (210cm x 400cm ea.) 

2007       Powerhouse Museum, Sydney - Design and make Bollywood costumes and 2                                     murals of Bollywood posters (210cm x 400cm) for Childrens Programme        

                  Powerhouse Museum, Sydney - Design and make Princess costumes, 3                                             murals for Ballroom space (210cm x 400cm @) for Childrens Programme                                         The Paperbag Princess

                  Hot Dogs (children's music group) - design and make dog mask

                  Mountains Community Resource Network - design business card/letterhead

                  NPWS - design Walking Track Project signage

2006       Private mosaic commission - Design and make mosaic - 400cm x 60cm -                                         Angophora theme

                  Powerhouse Museum, Sydney - Design and make Chinese Warriors costumes                                   for Childrens Programme, space suits and dress-ups for Television exhibition

                  Tindale Christian School - set and costume design for Joseph production.       

                  NPWS - design Fairfax Heritage Track signage

                  Mountains Community Resource Network - design banner and logo

2005       Design and make 4 tile mosaics for Private Residence. 

                  Q Theatre, Penrith - design and paint exterior of building and set for closing                                       performance.

                  Bewley’s Theatre, Dublin. Ireland  - design and paint scenic gauze. 

                  Blackheath Puppet Festival - Co-design (with Jenny Kee), run community                                         workshops & develop processes for construction of giant waratahs & cockatoos.

                  MCRN - layout Building Healthier Communities  brochure.

                  Eleanor Dark Foundation (Varuna Writers Centre) - layout poster

2004-12 Katoomba Neighbourhood Centre - Layout Annual Report

2003       Willoughby City Council Public Mosaic installation for Mashman Park.- shortlisted

                  Blue Mountains City Council - Design roundabout - Katoomba Streetscape.

                  Blue Mountains City Council - Public Sculpture for Katoomba - shortlisted

2002       Blue Mountains City Council - design and make 4 Concrete Relief Panels and                                   24 Tile mosaics for Katoomba Streetscape Project.

                  Willoughby City Council - Public Sculpture for Willoughby Park.- shortlisted

2001         Blue Mountains City Council - design and sculpt two Bollards - aluminium,                                       copper & gunmetal.

2000       Olympic Opening Ceremony -The Arrivals - made 13 major costumes for .                                          Jenny Kee (designer).


                   Between 1970 -1999  Paula had numerous commissions in costumes, props, scenic                          art, scuplture.

                   Clients included: Australian Opera, Powerhouse Museum, Nimrod Theatre, Sydney                          Dance Company, Reg Livermore, Westfields, Theatre Royal, Belvoir Theatre, Sydney                      Theatre Company. 


1997-99  Plowright Fine Arts - numerous sculpting, painting, design rendering, stained                                    glass design - In charge of sculpting 30 sports figures and 2 life-size Humpback                                Whales & their skeletons

1997        Marian St. Theatre - Egyptian carving

                 Sydney Theatre Company - Puppy Love - costume design

                 Themeworx - Queensland - sculpture for The Olympic Journey

                 Belvoir -The Seagull - props

1996        Royal Agricultural Society - The Merino Family - sculptured costumes

                 Royal Agricultural Society - The Pig Family - sculptured costumes

                 Big City Productions - Sydney Motor Show - design & painted scenic art

                 - 33m x 4.5m x 2

                 F.X. Staging - Sydney Aquarium - scenic art & design

                Peter Pan - Theatre Royal, Sydney - scenic art & props

1995        Q Theatre - Chair in a Landscape - scenic art        

                 Workcover Authority - 2 sculptured costumes-Bertie Backwatch

                 Q Theatre - Puppy Love - costumes & design        

                 Intencity. Westfield Parramatta - scenic art

                 Ensemble Productions - Reg Livermore  - scenic art & design

                 Animal Liberation - Battery Hens Campaign - sculpture of figures & design

1994        Ensemble Productions - Wish You Were Here - Reg Livermore production -                                    scenic art

                 Hermes of Paris - Backclothes - 3 x 22m x 6m. Design and painting

1993        Australian Association for Humane Research - sculpture of dog ‘Hespheastus’

                 Clarendon Theatre - Mother Goose - Reg Livermore - costumes and design

                 FX Staging - Free Willy - scenic art

1992        Encore Productions - Westfield Productions - scenic art

1991         Inspiration & Associates - sculpting of egyptian figures

1990        Larrikin Opera Ltd. - Reg Livermore’s Big Sister - scenic art, costumes

                 F.X. Staging - 7 full-size figures

1989        Australian Association for Humane Research - design and sculpting dog display

1988        Scenografic Studio - Bicentennial Concert Backdrop - 68ft x 35ft

1987        Powerhouse Museum - riverscape mural

                 Sydney Opera House Trust - Christmas at the Opera - animal sculpting, scenic art

                 Westfields - design & making of 20 x 3m banners

1985        Australian Opera - Magic Flute - 9 animal costumes & props

1978        Kennedy - Miller - making Noh mask - Mad Max 2

  to           Sydney Dance Company - sculpting 6ft head - After Venice

1984       Nimrod Theatre - Romeo & Juliet masks

                Australian Opera - Design and creation of robot

                Nimrod - Caucasian Chalk Circle - masks

                Reg Livermore - Sacred Cow - scenic art

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